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- Title : The Oak
- Filename : oak0405.zip
- Version : Public Beta: 04-May-1997
- Authors : John Crickett & Neil Henderson
- Email : john.crickett@ukonline.co.uk & neil.henderson@ukonline.co.uk
- Web Site : http://web.ukonline.co.uk/neil.henderson/index.htm
- A Mirror site will be coming soon.
- Credits : id software for Quake of course.
- Dan Bickell for the incredible Terminator skins.
- BGBOT Programmers for releasing their source code.
- Build time: Months and months...
- Type of Mod
- -----------
- Quake C : yes
- Sound : yes
- MDL : yes
- Format of QuakeC (if a Quake C Mod)
- -----------------------------------
- unified diff : no
- context diff : no
- .qc files : no
- progs.dat : yes
- This is a Beta Release!
- -----------------------
- This is an early release of The Oak. There are many bugs and features not yet
- implemented. If you do feel inclined to report any problems, please use the
- form available on The Oak's web site:
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/neil.henderson/index.htm
- Thanks.
- We hope to release a new public beta in a few weeks.
- Quick Notes
- -----------
- This is a brief section detailing exactly how to install and run The Oak.
- The oak0405.zip file should contain these files:
- Pak0.pak
- Progs.dat
- TheOak.txt (this file)
- Unzip these files into an appropriate subdirectory under your Quake
- directory. For example, unzip them to:
- c:\games\quake\theoak
- To run The Oak, switch to your Quake directory, and enter at the command
- prompt:
- quake - game theoak
- Quake will now load and you will be ready to play! Bring up the menu by
- pressing the Escape key, then choose Multiplayer and then New Game. Select
- the Direct Connect option, and then choose OK at the next screen.
- Now you can setup the game environment, for example the difficulty level
- to play at, the frag/time limits, the map, etc. When you're ready, choose
- the Begin Game option.
- You will now be in the level and playing... but there won't be any bots there
- yet! To "spawn" them, bring down the Console by pressing the ~ key and then
- type:
- impulse 100
- To display the current score, type:
- impulse 200
- Description of the Modification
- -------------------------------
- The Oak is a Quake Bot written in QuakeC which simulates a Quake player.
- You can play Deathmatch, Co-Operative, and Team games on your own computer.
- The Oak is named after body-building champion Arnold Schwarzenneger and,
- using state of the art combat tactics and brilliant A.I., The Oak promises
- to be one of the best, and toughest Bots around!
- Guaranteed not to "cheat", The Oak will provide a challenging opponent or a
- superb ally! Teamplay will be supported so that you and a team of bots can
- take on another team. Not only will you get immense enjoyment, but you will
- also increase your Quake skills too!
- Features: * Intelligent set of Combat tactics.
- * Dynamic Learning ability. The Oak will remember important
- map locations such as where weapons, health, armour, and
- other items are.
- * Ability to swim in water.
- * Will examine the map surroundings for secrets and logical
- * paths to follow, for example jumping onto crates or
- shooting walls.
- * Includes the Terminator skin and a number of WAV sounds.
- * The skin will actually change to show the damage inflicted
- on the bot.
- * Possibility to include new weapons in future versions.
- Well, that's what the FINAL version of The Oak will do. :) Please be aware
- that this is the first public beta that we have released. Currently, only
- Deathmatch mode is working. You can try the Cooperative or Teamplay modes
- but won't find much happening.
- Commands include:
- IMPULSE 100 - Spawn 4 bots.
- IMPULSE 200 - Display the score.
- SKILL x - Change skill level (x = 0 to 3, default is 1)
- You can "bind" keys to these commands, so that instead of having to bring
- down the Console to enter them, you can just press a key. For example:
- bind "q" "impulse 200"
- will display the scores whenever you press the Q key.
- Author Information
- ------------------
- John Crickett is 20 years of age, and is studying at Swansea University. He
- is in his second year of a BSc Computer Science degree.
- john.crickett@ukonline.co.uk
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/johnc/
- Neil Henderson is 18 years of age, and works for an IT solution provider who
- mainly create web sites and intranets.
- neil.henderson@ukonline.co.uk
- http://www.cvnet.co.uk/hendo/
- Copyright and Distribution Permissions
- --------------------------------------
- The modifications included in this archive are Copyright 1997, John Crickett
- and Neil Henderson.
- The original QuakeC source is Copyright 1996, id software.
- Authors may use these modifications as a basis for other publicly or
- commercially available work, but only after we release version 1 of The Oak.
- You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic format as long
- as all the files in this archive remain intact and unmodified and are
- distributed together.
- Availability
- ------------
- This modification is available from the following places:
- Web : http://web.ukonline.co.uk/neil.henderson/index.htm
- FTP : ftp.cdrom.com in \pub\quake\quakec\bots